
Queen of Beauty

In a land of forests
where autumn winds blow the leaves
In a land of darkness
where winter nights last eternity
There stands a strange castle
a dark rock lost in infinity
Legend says it's the realm
of a countess, the queen of beauty

The inquiring souls would enter
this black mysterious place
The inquiring souls would never
come back, living in their desire

Like those i would get there
my senses lured by mystery
Like those i would find her lair
she'd be my dream, black hair, snow cold skin
As soon as we'd entwine
she softly would stab me to death
Evil sorceress she really was
i would pay for my inquisitiveness

The inquiring souls would enter
this black mysterious place
The inquiring souls would never
come back, victims of their desire

Livre d'or

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15.01.25, 18:02, par concrete contractors queensland
11.01.25, 03:40, par concreters queensland

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